
Host how to set up a zoom meeting
Host how to set up a zoom meeting

host how to set up a zoom meeting host how to set up a zoom meeting

Doing so allows participants the option of using computer or phone audio to participate in the meeting. Audio: It is recommended that Both (the default) be selected.Participants can enable/disable video manually after entry regardless of what is set. Video: This field allows the host to decide if participant video is enabled by default.This allows instructors to admit students one by one into the meeting. This option should be selected if Zoom meetings are set up for Office Hours. Waiting Room: Enabling this option allows the instructor (host) to control when participants join the meeting.If using special characters it is recommended that only *_- be used. It is recommended to use a numeric passcode as this is easier to input if teaching in a trimodal room. Note: Passcodes can be a maximum of 10 characters long and are case sensitive. If one is not set, a waiting room will be enabled by default. Joining participants will be required to input this passcode before being allowed to join the selected meeting. Passcode: It is recommended that hosts set a meeting passcode.This feature is used for stand-alone Zoom sessions (like webinars). Registration: This field is unchecked by default and should remain unchecked for use with classes.Recurring Meeting: If the meeting will repeat, check this box, then select the dates on which it will recur.This can be changed by selecting a different timezone from the dropdown. Time Zone: The default timezone will match the host's computer time zone.The meeting will not end after this length of time. The duration is only for scheduling purposes. Duration: Select the approximate duration of the meeting.When: Select the date and time of the meeting in this field.Description: In this field add an optional description for the meeting.It is recommended that the name be specific, e.g First Meeting - Fall 2020 versus First Meeting. Topic: In this field give the meeting a title.To set up the connection, selectĪuthenticate in the pop-up window. Note: The Zoom account will need to be established the first time this link is selected.

Host how to set up a zoom meeting